Did you know that Emotional Intelligence has arguably become the most essential factor in sustaining high performance in organisations and across society at large. It is the driving force that enables leaders to engage with others effectively and then drive essential change in today’s turbulent and fast-moving world.
Learn more about Emotional Intelligence and become better at managing those difficult situations, more successful at motivating yourself, your team and your colleagues.
How to do that in practice? Due to great feedback from our Emotional Intelligence demo 6.11. in Wien we are arranging another Emotional Intelligence demo in Salzburg/Austria. In this event we expelling what Emotional Intelligence is and how it can be used at work. The event will take place in the 16.11. afternoon. Please find the details below:
Date: 16.1.2014
Time: 15:30 – 19:00 (Presentation starts at 16:00)
Place: Commend Österreich GmbH, Zallweingasse 3, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
Language: German but the questions are also taken and answered in English or Finnish.
Investment: € 0
The emotional intelligence evening does not cost anything, but the registration is mandatory. This is due to limited number of seats available in the venue. Be quick to secure your seat – the Emotional Intelligence demo 6.11. in Wien was sold-out…
To register, just type your details here:
When you have registered you will get an email including download link to further information about emotional intelligence.
Looking forward to see you in Salzburg on the 16.1.2014
Best regards,
Juhana Lampinen
Consultant and Partner
Innotiimi-ICG (www.innotiimi.com)
Museumstrasse 3B, A-1070 Wien, Austria
Email: Juhana.Lampinen@innotiimi.com
Mobile: +43 660 2799010
Skype: Juhana.Lampinen
Working languages: German, English, Finnish